samedi 31 mars 2018

José celebrates her birthday with her fans and friends!!!!

On March 29th, José Hoebee celebrated her birthday with a small group of fans and friends at the Ambacht, a café-restaurant in Best, NL. The Luv' singer enjoyed this special moment with Ingrid de Groot (her sister), David Hay Gibson (her friend and tour manager), Marco Rens (with whom I update the Official Luv' page and the José Hoebee fan page on Facebook), Jos Theuns, Ada Zwakenberg, Martin Vink, Peter Pommelet, Ine Foudraine,  Karin Angeleyes, Anton van Stekelenborg-Poirters, Pierre Brouwers and Michael Verkooyen

José has the best following of the world!!!!

Once again: Happy Birthday José!!!!

Photo courtesy of Marco Rens:

Click here to see more pictures.

Source: José Hoebee Fan Page

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